The following are lectures either in preparation or have already been given. Please contact me at altonfrabetti AT for more information.
Graffiti: Youth Subculture, Masculinity, and Social Contract Theory
Anthropologists have observed that youth graffiti vandalists, known as 'taggers,' are engaged in what appears to be a ritual form of masculine rites of passage. This lecture explores this idea and how tagging may form as a marker for risk-taking behavior. Secondly, youth rebellion in general illustrates some fundamental contradictions in liberal contract theory (such as formulated by Locke) in which the tacit consent of members becomes problematic for members-in-transition, i.e. adolescents.
Process Art: Revisiting a Facet of Modernism
Many forms of what we may call a Realist approach to the arts begin with an idea or image for the artist within their mind which is then subsequently rendered outwardly. Process art is a mode of creating in which the discovery takes place while the work is being executed. In order for this mode of creating to be successful, there are multiple features that an artist may wish to learn about that should or could take place.